
Recalling that Ministers agreed at Punta del Este that "negotiations in the area of textiles and clothing shall aim to formulate modalities that would permit the eventual integration of this sector into GATT on the basis of strengthened GATT rules and disciplines, thereby also contributing to the objective of further liberalization of trade";

Recalling also that in the April 1989 Decision of the Trade Negotiations Committee it was agreed that the process of integration should commence following the conclusion of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations and should be progressive in character;

Recalling further that it was agreed that special treatment should be accorded to the least-developed country Members;

Hereby agree as follows:

Article 1

1. This Agreement sets out provisions to be applied by Members during a transition period for the integration of the textiles and clothing sector into GATT 1994.

2. Members agree to use the provisions of paragraph 18 of Article 2 and paragraph 6(b) of Article 6 in such a way as to permit meaningful increases in access possibilities for small suppliers and the development of commercially significant trading opportunities for new entrants in the field of textiles and clothing trade.

3. Members shall have due regard to the situation of those Members which have not accepted the Protocols extending the Arrangement Regarding International Trade in Textiles (referred to in this Agreement as the "MFA") since 1986 and, to the extent possible, shall afford them special treatment in applying the provisions of this Agreement.

4. Members agree that the particular interests of the cotton-producing exporting Members should, in consultation with them, be reflected in the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement.

5. In order to facilitate the integration of the textiles and clothing sector into GATT 1994, Members should allow for continuous autonomous industrial adjustment and increased competition in their markets.

6. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, its provisions shall not affect the rights and obligations of Members under the provisions of the WTO Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements.

7. The textile and clothing products to which this Agreement applies are set out in the Annex.

Article 2

1. All quantitative restrictions within bilateral agreements maintained under Article 4 or notified under Article 7 or 8 of the MFA in force on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall, within 60 days following such entry into force, be notified in detail, including the restraint levels, growth rates and flexibility provisions, by the Members maintaining such restrictions to the Textiles Monitoring Body provided for in Article 8 (referred to in this Agreement as the "TMB"). Members agree that as of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, all such restrictions maintained between GATT 1947 contracting parties, and in place on the day before such entry into force, shall be governed by the provisions of this Agreement.

2. The TMB shall circulate these notifications to all Members for their information. It is open to any Member to bring to the attention of the TMB, within 60 days of the circulation of the notifications, any observations it deems appropriate with regard to such notifications. Such observations shall be circulated to the other Members for their information. The TMB may make recommendations, as appropriate, to the Members concerned.

3. When the 12-month period of restrictions to be notified under paragraph 1 does not coincide with the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, the Members concerned should mutually agree on arrangements to bring the period of restrictions into line with the agreement year , and to establish notional base levels of such restrictions in order to implement the provisions of this Article. Concerned Members agree to enter into consultations promptly upon request with a view to reaching such mutual agreement. Any such arrangements shall take into account, inter alia, seasonal patterns of shipments in recent years. The results of these consultations shall be notified to the TMB, which shall make such recommendations as it deems appropriate to the Members concerned.

4. The restrictions notified under paragraph 1 shall be deemed to constitute the totality of such restrictions applied by the respective Members on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement. No new restrictions in terms of products or Members shall be introduced except under the provisions of this Agreement or relevant GATT 1994 provisions. Restrictions not notified within 60 days of the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall be terminated forthwith.

5. Any unilateral measure taken under Article 3 of the MFA prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement may remain in effect for the duration specified therein, but not exceeding 12 months, if it has been reviewed by the Textiles Surveillance Body (referred to in this Agreement as the "TSB") established under the MFA. Should the TSB not have had the opportunity to review any such unilateral measure, it shall be reviewed by the TMB in accordance with the rules and procedures governing Article 3 measures under the MFA. Any measure applied under an MFA Article 4 agreement prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement that is the subject of a dispute which the TSB has not had the opportunity to review shall also be reviewed by the TMB in accordance with the MFA rules and procedures applicable for such a review.

6. On the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, each Member shall integrate into GATT 1994 products which accounted for not less than 16 per cent of the total volume of the Member's 1990 imports of the products in the Annex, in terms of HS lines or categories. The products to be integrated shall encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing.

7. Full details of the actions to be taken pursuant to paragraph 6 shall be notified by the Members concerned according to the following:

(a) Members maintaining restrictions falling under paragraph 1 undertake, notwithstanding the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, to notify such details to the GATT Secretariat not later than the date determined by the Ministerial Decision of 15 April 1994. The GATT Secretariat shall promptly circulate these notifications to the other participants for information. These notifications will be made available to the TMB, when established, for the purposes of paragraph 21;

(b) Members which have, pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 6, retained the right to use the provisions of Article 6, shall notify such details to the TMB not later than 60 days following the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, or, in the case of those Members covered by paragraph 3 of Article 1, not later than at the end of the 12th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect. The TMB shall circulate these notifications to the other Members for information and review them as provided in paragraph 21.

8. The remaining products, i.e. the products not integrated into GATT 1994 under paragraph 6, shall be integrated, in terms of HS lines or categories, in three stages, as follows:

(a) on the first day of the 37th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, products which accounted for not less than 17 per cent of the total volume of the Member's 1990 imports of the products in the Annex. The products to be integrated by the Members shall encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing;

(b) on the first day of the 85th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, products which accounted for not less than 18 per cent of the total volume of the Member's 1990 imports of the products in the Annex. The products to be integrated by the Members shall encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing;

(c) on the first day of the 121st month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, the textiles and clothing sector shall stand integrated into GATT 1994, all restrictions under this Agreement having been eliminated.

9. Members which have notified, pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 6, their intention not to retain the right to use the provisions of Article 6 shall, for the purposes of this Agreement, be deemed to have integrated their textiles and clothing products into GATT 1994. Such Members shall, therefore, be exempted from complying with the provisions of paragraphs 6 to 8 and 11.

10. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Member which has submitted an integration programme pursuant to paragraph 6 or 8 from integrating products into GATT 1994 earlier than provided for in such a programme. However, any such integration of products shall take effect at the beginning of an agreement year, and details shall be notified to the TMB at least three months prior thereto for circulation to all Members.

11. The respective programmes of integration, in pursuance of paragraph 8, shall be notified in detail to the TMB at least 12 months before their coming into effect, and circulated by the TMB to all Members.

12. The base levels of the restrictions on the remaining products, mentioned in paragraph 8, shall be the restraint levels referred to in paragraph 1.

13. During Stage 1 of this Agreement (from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement to the 36th month that it is in effect, inclusive) the level of each restriction under MFA bilateral agreements in force for the 12-month period prior to the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement shall be increased annually by not less than the growth rate established for the respective restrictions, increased by 16 per cent.

14. Except where the Council for Trade in Goods or the Dispute Settlement Body decides otherwise under paragraph 12 of Article 8, the level of each remaining restriction shall be increased annually during subsequent stages of this Agreement by not less than the following:

(a) for Stage 2 (from the 37th to the 84th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, inclusive), the growth rate for the respective restrictions during Stage 1, increased by 25 per cent;

(b) for Stage 3 (from the 85th to the 120th month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, inclusive), the growth rate for the respective restrictions during Stage 2, increased by 27 per cent.

15. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent a Member from eliminating any restriction maintained pursuant to this Article, effective at the beginning of any agreement year during the transition period, provided the exporting Member concerned and the TMB are notified at least three months prior to the elimination coming into effect. The period for prior notification may be shortened to 30 days with the agreement of the restrained Member. The TMB shall circulate such notifications to all Members. In considering the elimination of restrictions as envisaged in this paragraph, the Members concerned shall take into account the treatment of similar exports from other Members.

16. Flexibility provisions, i.e. swing, carryover and carry forward, applicable to all restrictions maintained pursuant to this Article, shall be the same as those provided for in MFA bilateral agreements for the 12-month period prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement. No quantitative limits shall be placed or maintained on the combined use of swing, carryover and carry forward.

17. Administrative arrangements, as deemed necessary in relation to the implementation of any provision of this Article, shall be a matter for agreement between the Members concerned. Any such arrangements shall be notified to the TMB.

18. As regards those Members whose exports are subject to restrictions on the day before the entry into force of the WTO Agreement and whose restrictions represent 1.2 per cent or less of the total volume of the restrictions applied by an importing Member as of 31 December 1991 and notified under this Article, meaningful improvement in access for their exports shall be provided, at the entry into force of the WTO Agreement and for the duration of this Agreement, through advancement by one stage of the growth rates set out in paragraphs 13 and 14, or through at least equivalent changes as may be mutually agreed with respect to a different mix of base levels, growth and flexibility provisions. Such improvements shall be notified to the TMB.

19. In any case, during the duration of this Agreement, in which a safeguard measure is initiated by a Member under Article XIX of GATT 1994 in respect of a particular product during a period of one year immediately following the integration of that product into GATT 1994 in accordance with the provisions of this Article, the provisions of Article XIX, as interpreted by the Agreement on Safeguards, will apply, save as set out in paragraph 20.

20. Where such a measure is applied using non-tariff means, the importing Member concerned shall apply the measure in a manner as set forth in paragraph 2(d) of Article XIII of GATT 1994 at the request of any exporting Member whose exports of such products were subject to restrictions under this Agreement at any time in the one-year period immediately prior to the initiation of the safeguard measure. The exporting Member concerned shall administer such a measure. The applicable level shall not reduce the relevant exports below the level of a recent representative period, which shall normally be the average of exports from the Member concerned in the last three representative years for which statistics are available. Furthermore, when the safeguard measure is applied for more than one year, the applicable level shall be progressively liberalized at regular intervals during the period of application. In such cases the exporting Member concerned shall not exercise the right of suspending substantially equivalent concessions or other obligations under paragraph 3(a) of Article XIX of GATT 1994.

21. The TMB shall keep under review the implementation of this Article. It shall, at the request of any Member, review any particular matter with reference to the implementation of the provisions of this Article. It shall make appropriate recommendations or findings within 30 days to the Member or Members concerned, after inviting the participation of such Members.

Article 3

1. Within 60 days following the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, Members maintaining restrictions on textile and clothing products (other than restrictions maintained under the MFA and covered by the provisions of Article 2), whether consistent with GATT 1994 or not, shall (a) notify them in detail to the TMB, or (b) provide to the TMB notifications with respect to them which have been submitted to any other WTO body. The notifications should, wherever applicable, provide information with respect to any GATT 1994 justification for the restrictions, including GATT 1994 provisions on which they are based.

2. Members maintaining restrictions falling under paragraph 1, except those justified under a GATT 1994 provision, shall either:

(a) bring them into conformity with GATT 1994 within one year following the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, and notify this action to the TMB for its information; or

(b) phase them out progressively according to a programme to be presented to the TMB by the Member maintaining the restrictions not later than six months after the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement. This programme shall provide for all restrictions to be phased out within a period not exceeding the duration of this Agreement. The TMB may make recommendations to the Member concerned with respect to such a programme.

3. During the duration of this Agreement, Members shall provide to the TMB, for its information, notifications submitted to any other WTO bodies with respect to any new restrictions or changes in existing restrictions on textile and clothing products, taken under any GATT 1994 provision, within 60 days of their coming into effect.

4. It shall be open to any Member to make reverse notifications to the TMB, for its information, in regard to the GATT 1994 justification, or in regard to any restrictions that may not have been notified under the provisions of this Article. Actions with respect to such notifications may be pursued by any Member under relevant GATT 1994 provisions or procedures in the appropriate WTO body.

5. The TMB shall circulate the notifications made pursuant to this Article to all Members for their information.

Article 4

1. Restrictions referred to in Article 2, and those applied under Article 6, shall be administered by the exporting Members. Importing Members shall not be obliged to accept shipments in excess of the restrictions notified under Article 2, or of restrictions applied pursuant to Article 6.

2. Members agree that the introduction of changes, such as changes in practices, rules, procedures and categorization of textile and clothing products, including those changes relating to the Harmonized System, in the implementation or administration of those restrictions notified or applied under this Agreement should not: upset the balance of rights and obligations between the Members concerned under this Agreement; adversely affect the access available to a Member; impede the full utilization of such access; or disrupt trade under this Agreement.

3. If a product which constitutes only part of a restriction is notified for integration pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Members agree that any change in the level of that restriction shall not upset the balance of rights and obligations between the Members concerned under this Agreement.

4. When changes mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 are necessary, however, Members agree that the Member initiating such changes shall inform and, wherever possible, initiate consultations with the affected Member or Members prior to the implementation of such changes, with a view to reaching a mutually acceptable solution regarding appropriate and equitable adjustment. Members further agree that where consultation prior to implementation is not feasible, the Member initiating such changes will, at the request of the affected Member, consult, within 60 days if possible, with the Members concerned with a view to reaching a mutually satisfactory solution regarding appropriate and equitable adjustments. If a mutually satisfactory solution is not reached, any Member involved may refer the matter to the TMB for recommendations as provided in Article 8. Should the TSB not have had the opportunity to review a dispute concerning such changes introduced prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, it shall be reviewed by the TMB in accordance with the rules and procedures of the MFA applicable for such a review.

Article 5

1. Members agree that circumvention by transshipment, re-routing, false declaration concerning country or place of origin, and falsification of official documents, frustrates the implementation of this Agreement to integrate the textiles and clothing sector into GATT 1994. Accordingly, Members should establish the necessary legal provisions and/or administrative procedures to address and take action against such circumvention. Members further agree that, consistent with their domestic laws and procedures, they will cooperate fully to address problems arising from circumvention.

2. Should any Member believe that this Agreement is being circumvented by transshipment, re-routing, false declaration concerning country or place of origin, or falsification of official documents, and that no, or inadequate, measures are being applied to address and/or to take action against such circumvention, that Member should consult with the Member or Members concerned with a view to seeking a mutually satisfactory solution. Such consultations should be held promptly, and within 30 days when possible. If a mutually satisfactory solution is not reached, the matter may be referred by any Member involved to the TMB for recommendations.

3. Members agree to take necessary action, consistent with their domestic laws and procedures, to prevent, to investigate and, where appropriate, to take legal and/or administrative action against circumvention practices within their territory. Members agree to cooperate fully, consistent with their domestic laws and procedures, in instances of circumvention or alleged circumvention of this Agreement, to establish the relevant facts in the places of import, export and, where applicable, transshipment. It is agreed that such cooperation, consistent with domestic laws and procedures, will include: investigation of circumvention practices which increase restrained exports to the Member maintaining such restraints; exchange of documents, correspondence, reports and other relevant information to the extent available; and facilitation of plant visits and contacts, upon request and on a case-by-case basis. Members should endeavour to clarify the circumstances of any such instances of circumvention or alleged circumvention, including the respective roles of the exporters or importers involved.

4. Where, as a result of investigation, there is sufficient evidence that circumvention has occurred (e.g. where evidence is available concerning the country or place of true origin, and the circumstances of such circumvention), Members agree that appropriate action, to the extent necessary to address the problem, should be taken. Such action may include the denial of entry of goods or, where goods have entered, having due regard to the actual circumstances and the involvement of the country or place of true origin, the adjustment of charges to restraint levels to reflect the true country or place of origin. Also, where there is evidence of the involvement of the territories of the Members through which the goods have been transshipped, such action may include the introduction of restraints with respect to such Members. Any such actions, together with their timing and scope, may be taken after consultations held with a view to arriving at a mutually satisfactory solution between the concerned Members and shall be notified to the TMB with full justification. The Members concerned may agree on other remedies in consultation. Any such agreement shall also be notified to the TMB, and the TMB may make such recommendations to the Members concerned as it deems appropriate. If a mutually satisfactory solution is not reached, any Member concerned may refer the matter to the TMB for prompt review and recommendations.

5. Members note that some cases of circumvention may involve shipments transiting through countries or places with no changes or alterations made to the goods contained in such shipments in the places of transit. They note that it may not be generally practicable for such places of transit to exercise control over such shipments.

6. Members agree that false declaration concerning fibre content, quantities, description or classification of merchandise also frustrates the objective of this Agreement. Where there is evidence that any such false declaration has been made for purposes of circumvention, Members agree that appropriate measures, consistent with domestic laws and procedures, should be taken against the exporters or importers involved. Should any Member believe that this Agreement is being circumvented by such false declaration and that no, or inadequate, administrative measures are being applied to address and/or to take action against such circumvention, that Member should consult promptly with the Member involved with a view to seeking a mutually satisfactory solution. If such a solution is not reached, the matter may be referred by any Member involved to the TMB for recommendations. This provision is not intended to prevent Members from making technical adjustments when inadvertent errors in declarations have been made.

Article 6

1. Members recognize that during the transition period it may be necessary to apply a specific transitional safeguard mechanism (referred to in this Agreement as "transitional safeguard"). The transitional safeguard may be applied by any Member to products covered by the Annex, except those integrated into GATT 1994 under the provisions of Article 2. Members not maintaining restrictions falling under Article 2 shall notify the TMB within 60 days following the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement, as to whether or not they wish to retain the right to use the provisions of this Article. Members which have not accepted the Protocols extending the MFA since 1986 shall make such notification within 6 months following the entry into force of the WTO Agreement. The transitional safeguard should be applied as sparingly as possible, consistently with the provisions of this Article and the effective implementation of the integration process under this Agreement.

2. Safeguard action may be taken under this Article when, on the basis of a determination by a Member , it is demonstrated that a particular product is being imported into its territory in such increased quantities as to cause serious damage, or actual threat thereof, to the domestic industry producing like and/or directly competitive products. Serious damage or actual threat thereof must demonstrably be caused by such increased quantities in total imports of that product and not by such other factors as technological changes or changes in consumer preference.

3. In making a determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, as referred to in paragraph 2, the Member shall examine the effect of those imports on the state of the particular industry, as reflected in changes in such relevant economic variables as output, productivity, utilization of capacity, inventories, market share, exports, wages, employment, domestic prices, profits and investment; none of which, either alone or combined with other factors, can necessarily give decisive guidance.

4. Any measure invoked pursuant to the provisions of this Article shall be applied on a Member-by-Member basis. The Member or Members to whom serious damage, or actual threat thereof, referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3, is attributed, shall be determined on the basis of a sharp and substantial increase in imports, actual or imminent , from such a Member or Members individually, and on the basis of the level of imports as compared with imports from other sources, market share, and import and domestic prices at a comparable stage of commercial transaction; none of these factors, either alone or combined with other factors, can necessarily give decisive guidance. Such safeguard measure shall not be applied to the exports of any Member whose exports of the particular product are already under restraint under this Agreement.

5. The period of validity of a determination of serious damage or actual threat thereof for the purpose of invoking safeguard action shall not exceed 90 days from the date of initial notification as set forth in paragraph 7.

6. In the application of the transitional safeguard, particular account shall be taken of the interests of exporting Members as set out below:

(a) least-developed country Members shall be accorded treatment significantly more favourable than that provided to the other groups of Members referred to in this paragraph, preferably in all its elements but, at least, on overall terms;

(b) Members whose total volume of textile and clothing exports is small in comparison with the total volume of exports of other Members and who account for only a small percentage of total imports of that product into the importing Member shall be accorded differential and more favourable treatment in the fixing of the economic terms provided in paragraphs 8, 13 and 14. For those suppliers, due account will be taken, pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 1, of the future possibilities for the development of their trade and the need to allow commercial quantities of imports from them;

(c) with respect to wool products from wool-producing developing country Members whose economy and textiles and clothing trade are dependent on the wool sector, whose total textile and clothing exports consist almost exclusively of wool products, and whose volume of textiles and clothing trade is comparatively small in the markets of the importing Members, special consideration shall be given to the export needs of such Members when considering quota levels, growth rates and flexibility;

(d) more favourable treatment shall be accorded to re-imports by a Member of textile and clothing products which that Member has exported to another Member for processing and subsequent reimportation, as defined by the laws and practices of the importing Member, and subject to satisfactory control and certification procedures, when these products are imported from a Member for which this type of trade represents a significant proportion of its total exports of textiles and clothing.

7. The Member proposing to take safeguard action shall seek consultations with the Member or Members which would be affected by such action. The request for consultations shall be accompanied by specific and relevant factual information, as up-to-date as possible, particularly in regard to: (a) the factors, referred to in paragraph 3, on which the Member invoking the action has based its determination of the existence of serious damage or actual threat thereof; and (b) the factors, referred to in paragraph 4, on the basis of which it proposes to invoke the safeguard action with respect to the Member or Members concerned. In respect of requests made under this paragraph, the information shall be related, as closely as possible, to identifiable segments of production and to the reference period set out in paragraph 8. The Member invoking the action shall also indicate the specific level at which imports of the product in question from the Member or Members concerned are proposed to be restrained; such level shall not be lower than the level referred to in paragraph 8. The Member seeking consultations shall, at the same time, communicate to the Chairman of the TMB the request for consultations, including all the relevant factual data outlined in paragraphs 3 and 4, together with the proposed restraint level. The Chairman shall inform the members of the TMB of the request for consultations, indicating the requesting Member, the product in question and the Member having received the request. The Member or Members concerned shall respond to this request promptly and the consultations shall be held without delay and normally be completed within 60 days of the date on which the request was received.

8. If, in the consultations, there is mutual understanding that the situation calls for restraint on the exports of the particular product from the Member or Members concerned, the level of such restraint shall be fixed at a level not lower than the actual level of exports or imports from the Member concerned during the 12-month period terminating two months preceding the month in which the request for consultation was made.

9. Details of the agreed restraint measure shall be communicated to the TMB within 60 days from the date of conclusion of the agreement. The TMB shall determine whether the agreement is justified in accordance with the provisions of this Article. In order to make its determination, the TMB shall have available to it the factual data provided to the Chairman of the TMB, referred to in paragraph 7, as well as any other relevant information provided by the Members concerned. The TMB may make such recommendations as it deems appropriate to the Members concerned.

10. If, however, after the expiry of the period of 60 days from the date on which the request for consultations was received, there has been no agreement between the Members, the Member which proposed to take safeguard action may apply the restraint by date of import or date of export, in accordance with the provisions of this Article, within 30 days following the 60-day period for consultations, and at the same time refer the matter to the TMB. It shall be open to either Member to refer the matter to the TMB before the expiry of the period of 60 days. In either case, the TMB shall promptly conduct an examination of the matter, including the determination of serious damage, or actual threat thereof, and its causes, and make appropriate recommendations to the Members concerned within 30 days. In order to conduct such examination, the TMB shall have available to it the factual data provided to the Chairman of the TMB, referred to in paragraph 7, as well as any other relevant information provided by the Members concerned.

11. In highly unusual and critical circumstances, where delay would cause damage which would be difficult to repair, action under paragraph 10 may be taken provisionally on the condition that the request for consultations and notification to the TMB shall be effected within no more than five working days after taking the action. In the case that consultations do not produce agreement, the TMB shall be notified at the conclusion of consultations, but in any case no later than 60 days from the date of the implementation of the action. The TMB shall promptly conduct an examination of the matter, and make appropriate recommendations to the Members concerned within 30 days. In the case that consultations do produce agreement, Members shall notify the TMB upon conclusion but, in any case, no later than 90 days from the date of the implementation of the action. The TMB may make such recommendations as it deems appropriate to the Members concerned.

12. A Member may maintain measures invoked pursuant to the provisions of this Article: (a) for up to three years without extension, or (b) until the product is integrated into GATT 1994, whichever comes first.

13. Should the restraint measure remain in force for a period exceeding one year, the level for subsequent years shall be the level specified for the first year increased by a growth rate of not less than 6 per cent per annum, unless otherwise justified to the TMB. The restraint level for the product concerned may be exceeded in either year of any two subsequent years by carry forward and/or carryover of 10 per cent of which carry forward shall not represent more than 5 per cent. No quantitative limits shall be placed on the combined use of carryover, carry forward and the provision of paragraph 14.

14. When more than one product from another Member is placed under restraint under this Article by a Member, the level of restraint agreed, pursuant to the provisions of this Article, for each of these products may be exceeded by 7 per cent, provided that the total exports subject to restraint do not exceed the total of the levels for all products so restrained under this Article, on the basis of agreed common units. Where the periods of application of restraints of these products do not coincide with each other, this provision shall be applied to any overlapping period on a pro rata basis.

15. If a safeguard action is applied under this Article to a product for which a restraint was previously in place under the MFA during the 12-month period prior to the entry into force of the WTO Agreement, or pursuant to the provisions of Article 2 or 6, the level of the new restraint shall be the level provided for in paragraph 8 unless the new restraint comes into force within one year of:

(a) the date of notification referred to in paragraph 15 of Article 2 for the elimination of the previous restraint; or

(b) the date of removal of the previous restraint put in place pursuant to the provisions of this Article or of the MFA

in which case the level shall not be less than the higher of (i) the level of restraint for the last 12-month period during which the product was under restraint, or (ii) the level of restraint provided for in paragraph 8.

16. When a Member which is not maintaining a restraint under Article 2 decides to apply a restraint pursuant to the provisions of this Article, it shall establish appropriate arrangements which: (a) take full account of such factors as established tariff classification and quantitative units based on normal commercial practices in export and import transactions, both as regards fibre composition and in terms of competing for the same segment of its domestic market, and (b) avoid over-categorization. The request for consultations referred to in paragraphs 7 or 11 shall include full information on such arrangements.

Article 7

1. As part of the integration process and with reference to the specific commitments undertaken by the Members as a result of the Uruguay Round, all Members shall take such actions as may be necessary to abide by GATT 1994 rules and disciplines so as to:

(a) achieve improved access to markets for textile and clothing products through such measures as tariff reductions and bindings, reduction or elimination of non-tariff barriers, and facilitation of customs, administrative and licensing formalities;

(b) ensure the application of policies relating to fair and equitable trading conditions as regards textiles and clothing in such areas as dumping and anti-dumping rules and procedures, subsidies and countervailing measures, and protection of intellectual property rights; and

(c) avoid discrimination against imports in the textiles and clothing sector when taking measures for general trade policy reasons.

Such actions shall be without prejudice to the rights and obligations of Members under GATT 1994.

2. Members shall notify to the TMB the actions referred to in paragraph 1 which have a bearing on the implementation of this Agreement. To the extent that these have been notified to other WTO bodies, a summary, with reference to the original notification, shall be sufficient to fulfil the requirements under this paragraph. It shall be open to any Member to make reverse notifications to the TMB.

3. Where any Member considers that another Member has not taken the actions referred to in paragraph 1, and that the balance of rights and obligations under this Agreement has been upset, that Member may bring the matter before the relevant WTO bodies and inform the TMB. Any subsequent findings or conclusions by the WTO bodies concerned shall form a part of the TMB's comprehensive report.

Article 8

1. In order to supervise the implementation of this Agreement, to examine all measures taken under this Agreement and their conformity therewith, and to take the actions specifically required of it by this Agreement, the Textiles Monitoring Body ("TMB") is hereby established. The TMB shall consist of a Chairman and 10 members. Its membership shall be balanced and broadly representative of the Members and shall provide for rotation of its members at appropriate intervals. The members shall be appointed by Members designated by the Council for Trade in Goods to serve on the TMB, discharging their function on an ad personam basis.

2. The TMB shall develop its own working procedures. It is understood, however, that consensus within the TMB does not require the assent or concurrence of members appointed by Members involved in an unresolved issue under review by the TMB.

3. The TMB shall be considered as a standing body and shall meet as necessary to carry out the functions required of it under this Agreement. It shall rely on notifications and information supplied by the Members under the relevant Articles of this Agreement, supplemented by any additional information or necessary details they may submit or it may decide to seek from them. It may also rely on notifications to and reports from other WTO bodies and from such other sources as it may deem appropriate.

4. Members shall afford to each other adequate opportunity for consultations with respect to any matters affecting the operation of this Agreement.

5. In the absence of any mutually agreed solution in the bilateral consultations provided for in this Agreement, the TMB shall, at the request of either Member, and following a thorough and prompt consideration of the matter, make recommendations to the Members concerned.

6. At the request of any Member, the TMB shall review promptly any particular matter which that Member considers to be detrimental to its interests under this Agreement and where consultations between it and the Member or Members concerned have failed to produce a mutually satisfactory solution. On such matters, the TMB may make such observations as it deems appropriate to the Members concerned and for the purposes of the review provided for in paragraph 11.

7. Before formulating its recommendations or observations, the TMB shall invite participation of such Members as may be directly affected by the matter in question.

8. Whenever the TMB is called upon to make recommendations or findings, it shall do so, preferably within a period of 30 days, unless a different time period is specified in this Agreement. All such recommendations or findings shall be communicated to the Members directly concerned. All such recommendations or findings shall also be communicated to the Council for Trade in Goods for its information.

9. The Members shall endeavour to accept in full the recommendations of the TMB, which shall exercise proper surveillance of the implementation of such recommendations.

10. If a Member considers itself unable to conform with the recommendations of the TMB, it shall provide the TMB with the reasons therefor not later than one month after receipt of such recommendations. Following thorough consideration of the reasons given, the TMB shall issue any further recommendations it considers appropriate forthwith. If, after such further recommendations, the matter remains unresolved, either Member may bring the matter before the Dispute Settlement Body and invoke paragraph 2 of Article XXIII of GATT 1994 and the relevant provisions of the Dispute Settlement Understanding.

11. In order to oversee the implementation of this Agreement, the Council for Trade in Goods shall conduct a major review before the end of each stage of the integration process. To assist in this review, the TMB shall, at least five months before the end of each stage, transmit to the Council for Trade in Goods a comprehensive report on the implementation of this Agreement during the stage under review, in particular in matters with regard to the integration process, the application of the transitional safeguard mechanism, and relating to the application of GATT 1994 rules and disciplines as defined in Articles 2, 3, 6 and 7 respectively. The TMB's comprehensive report may include any recommendation as deemed appropriate by the TMB to the Council for Trade in Goods.

12. In the light of its review the Council for Trade in Goods shall by consensus take such decisions as it deems appropriate to ensure that the balance of rights and obligations embodied in this Agreement is not being impaired. For the resolution of any disputes that may arise with respect to matters referred to in Article 7, the Dispute Settlement Body may authorize, without prejudice to the final date set out under Article 9, an adjustment to paragraph 14 of Article 2, for the stage subsequent to the review, with respect to any Member found not to be complying with its obligations under this Agreement.

Article 9

This Agreement and all restrictions thereunder shall stand terminated on the first day of the 121st month that the WTO Agreement is in effect, on which date the textiles and clothing sector shall be fully integrated into GATT 1994. There shall be no extension of this Agreement.



1. This Annex lists textile and clothing products defined by Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) codes at the six-digit level.

2. Actions under the safeguard provisions in Article 6 will be taken with respect to particular textile and clothing products and not on the basis of the HS lines per se.

3. Actions under the safeguard provisions in Article 6 of this Agreement shall not apply to:

(a) developing country Members' exports of handloom fabrics of the cottage industry, or hand-made cottage industry products made of such handloom fabrics, or traditional folklore handicraft textile and clothing products, provided that such products are properly certified under arrangements established between the Members concerned;

(b) historically traded textile products which were internationally traded in commercially significant quantities prior to 1982, such as bags, sacks, carpetbacking, cordage, luggage, mats, mattings and carpets typically made from fibres such as jute, coir, sisal, abaca, maguey and henequen;

(c) products made of pure silk.

For such products, the provisions of Article XIX of GATT 1994, as interpreted by the Agreement on Safeguards, shall be applicable.

Products within Section XI (Textiles and Textile Articles) of the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) Nomenclature

HS No.Product Description
Ch. 50Silk
5004.00Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail sale
5005.00Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale
5006.00Silk yarn&yarn spun from silk waste, put up f retail sale; silk-worm gut
5007.10Woven fabrics of noil silk
5007.20Woven fabrics of silk/silk waste, other than noil silk, 85%/more of such fibres
5007.90Woven fabrics of silk, nes

Ch. 51Wool, fine/coarse animal hair, horsehair yarn & fabric
5105.10Carded wool
5105.21Combed wool in fragments
5105.29Wool tops and other combed wool, other than combed wool in fragments
5105.30Fine animal hair, carded or combed
5106.10Yarn of carded wool,>/=85% by weight of wool, nt put up for retail sale
5106.20Yarn of carded, wool,<85% by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale
5107.10Yarn of combed wool,>/=85% by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale
5107.20Yarn of combed wool,<85% by weight of wool, not put up for retail sale
5108.10Yarn of carded fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
5108.20Yarn of combed fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale
5109.10Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair,>/=85% by weight of such fibres, put up
5109.90Yarn of wool/of fine animal hair,<85% by weight of such fibres, put up
5110.00Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair
5111.11Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by weight,
5111.19Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by weight,>300 g/m2
5111.20Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by wt, mixd w m-m fi
5111.30Woven fabric of carded wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by wt, mixd w m-m fib
5111.90Woven fabrics of carded wool/fine animal hair,>/= 85% by weight, nes
5112.11Woven fabric of combed wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by weight,
5112.19Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair,>/=85% by weight,>200 g/m2
5112.20Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair,<85% by wt, mixd w m-m fil
5112.30Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair,<85% by wt, mixd w m-m fib
5112.90Woven fabrics of combed wool/fine animal hair, <85% by weight, nes
5113.00Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair

Ch. 52Cotton
5204.11Cotton sewing thread >/=85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale
5204.19Cotton sewing thread,<85% by weight of cotton, not put up for retail sale
5204.20Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale
5205.11Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, uncombed,>/=714.29 dtex, nt put up
5205.12Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, uncombed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, not put up
5205.13Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, uncombed, 232.56>dtex>/=192.31, not put up
5205.14Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, uncombed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, not put up
5205.15Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, uncombed,<125 dtex, nt put up f retail sale
5205.21Cotton yarn,>/=85%, single, combed,>/=714.29, not put up
5205.22Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, combed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, not put up
5205.23Cotton yarn,>/=85%, single, combed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, not put up
5205.24Cotton yarn,>/=85%, single, combed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, not put up
5205.25Cotton yarn,>/=85%,single, combed,<125 dtex, not put up for retail sale
5205.31Cotton yarn,>/=85%, multi, uncombed,>/=714.29 dtex, not put up, nes
5205.32Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, uncombed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, not put up, nes
5205.33Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, uncombed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, not put up, nes
5205.34Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, uncombed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, nt put up, nes
5205.35Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, uncombed, <125 dtex, not put up, nes
5205.41Cotton yarn,>/=85%, multiple, combed,>/=714.29 dtex, not put up, nes
5205.42Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, combed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, nt put up, nes
5205.43Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multi, combed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, nt put up, nes
5205.44Cotton yarn,>/=85%,multiple, combed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, not put up, nes
5205.45Cotton yarn,>/=85%, multiple, combed, <125 dtex, not put up, nes
5206.11Cotton yarn, <85%, single, uncombed,>/=714.29, not put up
5206.12Cotton yarn, <85%, single, uncombed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, nt put up
5206.13Cotton yarn, <85%, single, uncombed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, not put up
5206.14Cotton yarn, <85%, single, uncombed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, nt put up
5206.15Cotton yarn,<85%,single, uncombed,<125 dtex, not put up for retail sale
5206.21Cotton yarn, <85%, single, combed,>/=714.29 dtex, nt put up
5206.22Cotton yarn, <85%, single, combed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, not put up
5206.23Cotton yarn, <85%, single, combed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, not put up
5206.24Cotton yarn, <85%, single, combed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, not put up
5206.25Cotton yarn,<85%,single, combed,<125 dtex, not put up for retail sale
5206.31Cotton yarn, <85%, multiple, uncombed,>/=714.29, not put up, nes
5206.32Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, uncombed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, nt put up, nes
5206.33Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, uncombed, 232.56 >dex>/=192.31, nt put up, nes
5206.34Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, uncombed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, nt put up, nes
5206.35Cotton yarn, <85%, multiple, uncombed, <125 dtex, not put up, nes
5206.41Cotton yarn, <85%, multiple, combed,>/=714.29, nt put up, nes
5206.42Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, combed, 714.29 >dtex>/=232.56, nt put up, nes
5206.43Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, combed, 232.56 >dtex>/=192.31, nt put up, nes
5206.44Cotton yarn,<85%,multiple, combed, 192.31 >dtex>/=125, nt put up, nes
5206.45Cotton yarn, <85%, multiple, combed, <125 dtex, not put up, nes
5207.10Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread)>/=85% by weight of cotton, put up
5207.90Cotton yarn (other than sewg thread) <85% by wt of cotton, put up f retl sale
5208.11Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 100 g/m2, unbleached
5208.12Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, >100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, unbleached
5208.13Twill weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
5208.19Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes
5208.21Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, not more than 100 g/m2, bleached
5208.22Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, >100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, bleached
5208.23Twill weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, bleached
5208.29Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, nt more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes
5208.31Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 100 g/m2, dyed
5208.32Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%,>100g/m= to 200g/m=, dyed
5208.33Twill weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed
5208.39Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes
5208.41Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 100 g/m2, yarn dyed
5208.42Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, >100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, yarn dyed
5208.43Twill weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed
5208.49Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%,nt more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes
5208.51Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, not more than 100 g/m2, printed
5208.52Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, >100 g/m2 to 200 g/m2, printed
5208.53Twill weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, printed
5208.59Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes
5209.11Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
5209.12Twill weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, unbleached
5209.19Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%,more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes
5209.21Plain weave cotton fabric,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, bleached
5209.22Twill weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, bleached
5209.29Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes
5209.31Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, dyed
5209.32Twill weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, dyed
5209.39Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes
5209.41Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed
5209.42Denim fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2
5209.43Twill weave cotton fab, other than denim,>/=85%,more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed
5209.49Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes
5209.51Plain weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, printed
5209.52Twill weave cotton fabrics,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, printed
5209.59Woven fabrics of cotton,>/=85%, more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes
5210.11Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, unbl
5210.12Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, unbl
5210.19Woven fab of cotton,<85% mixd with m-m fib,
5210.21Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, bl
5210.22Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, bl
5210.29Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd with m-m fib,
5210.31Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, dyd
5210.32Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, not more than 200 g/m2, dyd
5210.39Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd with m-m fib,
5210.41Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, nt mor thn 200g/m2, yarn dyd
5210.42Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, nt mor thn 200g/m2, yarn dyd
5210.49Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixed w m-m fib,
5210.51Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, nt more thn 200 g/m2, printd
5210.52Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, nt more thn 200g/m2, printd
5210.59Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixed with m-m fib,
5211.11Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more thn 200 g/m2, unbleachd
5211.12Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixed with m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, unbl
5211.19Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more thn 200g/m2, unbl, nes
5211.21Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, bleachd
5211.22Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, bleachd
5211.29Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, bl, nes
5211.31Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixed with m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, dyed
5211.32Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixed with m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, dyed
5211.39Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, dyd, nes
5211.41Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, yarn dyd
5211.42Denim fabrics of cotton, <85% mixed with m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2
5211.43Twill weave cotton fab, other than denim,<85% mixd w m-m fib,>200g/m2, yarn dyd
5211.49Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd with m-m fib,>200 g/m2, yarn dyed, nes
5211.51Plain weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, printd
5211.52Twill weave cotton fab,<85% mixd w m-m fib, more than 200 g/m2, printd
5211.59Woven fabrics of cotton,<85% mixd w m-m fib, mor thn 200g/m2, printd, nes
5212.11Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes
5212.12Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes
5212.13Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes
5212.14Woven fabrics of cotton,
5212.15Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes
5212.21Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, unbleached, nes
5212.22Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, bleached, nes
5212.23Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, dyed, nes
5212.24Woven fabrics of cotton, >200 g/m2, of yarns of different colours, nes
5212.25Woven fabrics of cotton, weighing more than 200 g/m2, printed, nes

Ch. 53Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn & woven fab
5306.10Flax yarn, single
5306.20Flax yarn, multile (folded) or cabled
5307.10Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres, single
5307.20Yarn of jute or of oth textile bast fibres, multiple (folded) or cabled
5308.20True hemp yarn
5308.90Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres
5309.11Woven fabrics, containg 85% or more by weight of flax, unbleached or bl
5309.19Woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of flax, other than unbl or bl
5309.21Woven fabrics of flax, containg <85% by weight of flax, unbleached or bl
5309.29Woven fabrics of flax, containing <85% by weight of flax, other than unbl or bl
5310.10Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres, unbleached
5310.90Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibres, other than unbleached
5311.00Woven fabrics of oth vegetable textile fibres; woven fab of paper yarn

Ch. 54Man-made filaments
5401.10Sewing thread of synthetic filaments
5401.20Sewing thread of artificial filaments
5402.10High tenacity yarn (other than sewg thread),nylon/oth polyamides fi, nt put up
5402.20High tenacity yarn (other than sewg thread),of polyester filaments, not put up
5402.31Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides fi,
5402.32Texturd yarn nes, of nylon/oth polyamides fi,>50 tex/s.y.,not put up
5402.33Textured yarn nes, of polyester filaments, not put up for retail sale
5402.39Textured yarn of synthetic filaments, nes, not put up
5402.41Yarn of nylon or other polyamides fi, single, untwisted, nes, not put up
5402.42Yarn of polyester filaments, partially oriented, single, nes, not put up
5402.43Yarn of polyester filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up
5402.49Yarn of synthetic filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up
5402.51Yarn of nylon or other polyamides fi, single, >50 turns/m, not put up
5402.52Yarn of polyester filaments, single, >50 turns per metre, not put up
5402.59Yarn of synthetic filaments, single,>50 turns per metre, nes, not put up
5402.61Yarn of nylon or other polyamides fi, multiple, nes, not put up
5402.62Yarn of polyester filaments, multiple, nes, not put up
5402.69Yarn of synthetic filaments, multiple, nes, not put up
5403.10High tenacity yarn (other than sewg thread),of viscose rayon filamt, nt put up
5403.20Textured yarn nes, of artificial filaments, not put up for retail sale
5403.31Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single, untwisted, nes, not put up
5403.32Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, single,>120 turns per m, nes, nt put up
5403.33Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, single, nes, not put up
5403.39Yarn of artificial filaments, single, nes, not put up
5403.41Yarn of viscose rayon filaments, multiple, nes, not put up
5403.42Yarn of cellulose acetate filaments, multiple, nes, not put up
5403.49Yarn of artificial filaments, multiple, nes, not put up
5404.10Synthetic mono,>/=67dtex, no cross sectional dimension exceeds 1 mm
5404.90Strip&the like of syn tex material of an apparent width nt exceedg 5mm
5405.00Artificial mono, 67 dtex, cross-sect >1mm; strip of arti tex mat w
5406.10Yarn of synthetic filament (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale
5406.20Yarn of artificial filament (other than sewing thread),put up for retail sale
5407.10Woven fab of high tenacity fi yarns of nylon oth polyamides/polyesters
5407.20Woven fab obtaind from strip/the like of synthetic textile materials
5407.30Fabrics specif in Note 9 Section XI (layers of parallel syn tex yarn)
5407.41Woven fab,>/=85% of nylon/other polyamides filaments, unbl or bl, nes
5407.42Woven fabrics,>/=85% of nylon/other polyamides filaments, dyed, nes
5407.43Woven fab,>/=85% of nylon/other polyamides filaments, yarn dyed, nes
5407.44Woven fabrics,>/=85% of nylon/other polyamides filaments, printed, nes
5407.51Woven fabrics,>/=85% of textured polyester filaments, unbl or bl, nes
5407.52Woven fabrics,>/=85% of textured polyester filaments, dyed, nes
5407.53Woven fabrics,>/=85% of textured polyester filaments, yarn dyed, nes
5407.54Woven fabrics,>/=85% of textured polyester filaments, printed, nes
5407.60Woven fabrics,>/=85% of non-textured polyester filaments, nes
5407.71Woven fab,>/=85% of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes
5407.72Woven fabrics,>/=85% of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes
5407.73Woven fabrics,>/=85% of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes
5407.74Woven fabrics,>/=85% of synthetic filaments, printed, nes
5407.81Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments,<85% mixd w cotton, unbl o bl, nes
5407.82Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments,<85% mixed with cotton, dyed, nes
5407.83Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments,<85% mixd w cotton, yarn dyd, nes
5407.84Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments,<85% mixd with cotton, printed, nes
5407.91Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes
5407.92Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, dyed, nes
5407.93Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, yarn dyed, nes
5407.94Woven fabrics of synthetic filaments, printed, nes
5408.10Woven fabrics of high tenacity filament yarns of viscose rayon
5408.21Woven fab,>/=85% of artificial fi o strip of art tex mat, unbl/bl, nes
5408.22Woven fab,>/=85% of artificial fi or strip of art tex mat, dyed, nes
5408.23Woven fab,>/=85% of artificial fi or strip of art tex mat, y dyed, nes
5408.24Woven fab,>/=85% of artificial fi or strip of art tex mat, printd, nes
5408.31Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, unbleached or bleached, nes
5408.32Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, dyed, nes
5408.33Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, yarn dyed, nes
5408.34Woven fabrics of artificial filaments, printed, nes

Ch. 55Man-made staple fibres
5501.10Filament tow of nylon or other polyamides
5501.20Filament tow of polyesters
5501.30Filament tow of acrylic or modacrylic
5501.90Synthetic filament tow, nes
5502.00Artificial filament tow
5503.10Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, not carded or combed
5503.20Staple fibres of polyesters, not carded or combed
5503.30Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, not carded or combed
5503.40Staple fibres of polypropylene, not carded or combed
5503.90Synthetic staple fibres, not carded or combed, nes
5504.10Staple fibres of viscose, not carded or combed
5504.90Artificial staple fibres, other than viscose, not carded or combed
5505.10Waste of synthetic fibres
5505.20Waste of artificial fibres
5506.10Staple fibres of nylon or other polyamides, carded or combed
5506.20Staple fibres of polyesters, carded or combed
5506.30Staple fibres of acrylic or modacrylic, carded or combed
5506.90Synthetic staple fibres, carded or combed, nes
5507.00Artificial staple fibres, carded or combed
5508.10Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres
5508.20Sewing thread of artificial staple fibres
5509.11Yarn,>/=85% nylon or other polyamides staple fibres, single, not put up
5509.12Yarn,>/=85% nylon o oth polyamides staple fibres, multi, not put up, nes
5509.21Yarn,>/=85% of polyester staple fibres, single, not put up
5509.22Yarn,>/=85% of polyester staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes
5509.31Yarn,>/=85% of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, single, not put up
5509.32Yarn,>/=85% acrylic/modacrylic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes
5509.41Yarn,>/=85% of other synthetic staple fibres, single, not put up
5509.42Yarn,>/=85% of other synthetic staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes
5509.51Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixd w/ arti staple fib, not put up, nes
5509.52Yarn of polyester staple fib mixd w wool/fine animal hair, nt put up, nes
5509.53Yarn of polyester staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes
5509.59Yarn of polyester staple fibres, not put up, nes
5509.61Yarn of acrylic staple fib mixd w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes
5509.62Yarn of acrylic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes
5509.69Yarn of acrylic staple fibres, not put up, nes
5509.91Yarn of oth synthetic staple fibres mixed w/wool/fine animal hair, nes
5509.92Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes
5509.99Yarn of other synthetic staple fibres, not put up, nes
5510.11Yarn,>/=85% of artificial staple fibres, single, not put up
5510.12Yarn,>/=85% of artificial staple fibres, multiple, not put up, nes
5510.20Yarn of artificl staple fib mixd w wool/fine animal hair, not put up, nes
5510.30Yarn of artificial staple fibres mixed with cotton, not put up, nes
5510.90Yarn of artificial staple fibres, not put up, nes
5511.10Yarn,>/=85% of synthetic staple fibres, other than sewing thread, put up
5511.20Yarn, <85% of synthetic staple fibres, put up for retail sale, nes
5511.30Yarn of artificial fibres (other than sewing thread), put up for retail sale
5512.11Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of polyester staple fibres, unbl or bl
5512.19Woven fabrics, containg>/=85% of polyester staple fibres, other than unbl or bl
5512.21Woven fabrics, containg>/=85% of acrylic staple fibres, unbleached or bl
5512.29Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of acrylic staple fibres, other than unbl or bl
5512.91Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of oth synthetic staple fibres, unbl/bl
5512.99Woven fabrics, containg>/=85% of other synthetic staple fib, other than unbl/bl
5513.11Plain weave polyest stapl fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cottn,
5513.12Twill weave polyest stapl fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cottn,
5513.13Woven fab of polyest staple fib,<85% mixd w/cot,
5513.19Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib,<85%,mixd w/cot,
5513.21Plain weave polyester staple fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,
5513.22Twill weave polyest staple fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,
5513.23Woven fab of polyester staple fib,<85%,mixd w/cot,
5513.29Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib,<85% mixd w/cotton,
5513.31Plain weave polyest stapl fib fab,<85% mixd w/cot,
5513.32Twill weave polyest stapl fib fab,<85% mixd w/cot,
5513.33Woven fab of polyest staple fib,<85% mixd w/cot,
5513.39Woven fab of oth syn staple fib,<85% mixd w/cot,
5513.41Plain weave polyester stapl fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cot,
5513.42Twill weave polyest staple fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cot,<=/170g/m2, printd
5513.43Woven fab of polyester staple fib,<85%,mixd w/cot,
5513.49Woven fab of oth syn staple fib,<85%,mixed w/cot,
5514.11Plain weave polyest staple fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,>170g/m2, unbl/bl
5514.12Twill weave polyest stapl fib fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,>170g/m2, unbl/bl
5514.13Woven fab of polyester staple fib,<85% mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, unbl/bl, nes
5514.19Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib,<85%,mixed w/cot,>170 g/m2, unbl/bl
5514.21Plain weave polyester staple fibre fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,>170g/m2, dyd
5514.22Twill weave polyester staple fibre fab,<85%,mixd w/cotton,>170g/m2, dyd
5514.23Woven fabrics of polyester staple fib,<85%,mixed w/cot,>170 g/m2, dyed
5514.29Woven fabrics of oth synthetic staple fib,<85%,mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, dyd
5514.31Plain weave polyester staple fib fab,<85% mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, yarn dyd
5514.32Twill weave polyester staple fib fab,<85% mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, yarn dyd
5514.33Woven fab of polyester stapl fib,<85% mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, yarn dyd nes
5514.39Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib,<85% mixd w/cot,>170 g/m2, yarn dyd
5514.41Plain weave polyester staple fibre fab,<85%,mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, printd
5514.42Twill weave polyester staple fibre fab,<85%,mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, printd
5514.43Woven fab of polyester staple fibres <85%,mixd w/cot,>170g/m2, ptd, nes
5514.49Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib,<85%,mixed w/cot,>170 g/m2, printed
5515.11Woven fab of polyester staple fib mixd w viscose rayon staple fib, nes
5515.12Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres mixd w man-made filaments, nes
5515.13Woven fab of polyester staple fibres mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, nes
5515.19Woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres, nes
5515.21Woven fabrics of acrylic staple fibres, mixd w man-made filaments, nes
5515.22Woven fab of acrylic staple fibres, mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, nes
5515.29Woven fabrics of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibres, nes
5515.91Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib, mixed with man-made filaments, nes
5515.92Woven fabrics of oth syn staple fib, mixd w/wool o fine animal hair, nes
5515.99Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, nes
5516.11Woven fabrics, containg>/=85% of artificial staple fibres, unbleached/bl
5516.12Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of artificial staple fibres, dyed
5516.13Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of artificial staple fib, yarn dyed
5516.14Woven fabrics, containing>/=85% of artificial staple fibres, printed
5516.21Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85%,mixd w man-made fi, unbl/bl
5516.22Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85%,mixd with man-made fi, dyd
5516.23Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85%,mixd with m-m fi, yarn dyd
5516.24Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85%,mixd w man-made fi, printd
5516.31Woven fab of arti staple fib,<85% mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, unbl/bl
5516.32Woven fabrics of arti staple fib,<85% mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, dyd
5516.33Woven fab of arti staple fib,<85% mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, yarn dyd
5516.34Woven fab of arti staple fib,<85% mixd w/wool/fine animal hair, printd
5516.41Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85% mixd with cotton, unbl o bl
5516.42Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib, <85% mixed with cotton, dyed
5516.43Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85% mixd with cotton, yarn dyd
5516.44Woven fabrics of artificial staple fib,<85% mixed with cotton, printed
5516.91Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, unbleached or bleached, nes
5516.92Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, dyed, nes
5516.93Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, yarn dyed, nes
5516.94Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres, printed, nes

Ch. 56Wadding, felt & nonwoven; yarns; twine, cordage, etc.
5601.10Sanitary articles of waddg of textile mat i.e. sanitary towels, tampons
5601.21Wadding of cotton and articles thereof, other than sanitary articles
5601.22Wadding of man-made fibres and articles thereof, other than sanitary articles
5601.29Waddg of oth textile materials&articles thereof, other than sanitary articles
5601.30Textile flock and dust and mill neps
5602.10Needleloom felt and stitch-bonded fibre fabrics
5602.21Felt other than needleloom, of wool or fine animal hair, not impreg, ctd, cov etc
5602.29Felt other than needleloom, of other textile materials, not impreg, ctd, cov etc
5602.90Felt of textile materials, nes
5603.00Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
5604.10Rubber thread and cord, textile covered
5604.20High tenacity yarn of polyest, nylon oth polyamid, viscose rayon, ctd etc
5604.90Textile yarn, strips&the like, impreg ctd/cov with rubber o plastics, nes
5605.00Metallisd yarn, beg textile yarn combind w metal thread, strip/powder
5606.00Gimped yarn nes; chenille yarn; loop wale-yarn
5607.10Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of jute or other textile bast fibres
5607.21Binder o baler twine, of sisal o oth textile fibres of the genus Agave
5607.29Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of sisal textile fibres
5607.30Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of abaca or other hard (leaf) fibres
5607.41Binder or baler twine, of polyethylene or polypropylene
5607.49Twine nes, cordage, ropes and cables, of polyethylene or polypropylene
5607.50Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other synthetic fibres
5607.90Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, of other materials
5608.11Made up fishing nets, of man-made textile materials
5608.19Knottd nettg of twine/cordage/rope, and oth made up nets of m-m tex mat
5608.90Knottd nettg of twine/cordage/rope, nes, and made up nets of oth tex mat
5609.00Articles of yarn, strip, twine, cordage, rope and cables, nes

Ch. 57Carpets and other textile floor coverings
5701.10Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, knotted
5701.90Carpets of other textile materials, knotted
5702.10Kelem, Schumacks, Karamanie and similar textile hand-woven rugs
5702.20Floor coverings of coconut fibres (coir)
5702.31Carpets of wool/fine animl hair, of wovn pile constructn, nt made up nes
5702.32Carpets of man-made textile mat, of wovn pile construct, nt made up, nes
5702.39Carpets of oth textile mat, of woven pile constructn, nt made up, nes
5702.41Carpets of wool/fine animal hair, of wovn pile construction, made up, nes
5702.42Carpets of man-made textile mat, of woven pile construction, made up, nes
5702.49Carpets of oth textile materials, of wovn pile construction, made up, nes
5702.51Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, not made up, nes
5702.52Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, not made up, nes
5702.59Carpets of other textile materials, woven, not made up, nes
5702.91Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, woven, made up, nes
5702.92Carpets of man-made textile materials, woven, made up, nes
5702.99Carpets of other textile materials, woven, made up, nes
5703.10Carpets of wool or fine animal hair, tufted
5703.20Carpets of nylon or other polyamides, tufted
5703.30Carpets of other man-made textile materials, tufted
5703.90Carpets of other textile materials, tufted
5704.10Tiles of felt of textile materials, havg a max surface area of 0.3 m2
5704.90Carpets of felt of textile materials, nes
5705.00Carpets and other textile floor coverings, nes

Ch. 58Special woven fab; tufted tex fab; lace; tapestries etc.
5801.10Woven pile fabrics of wool/fine animal hair, other than terry&narrow fabrics
5801.21Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of cotton, other than terry and narrow fabrics
5801.22Cut corduroy fabrics of cotton, other than narrow fabrics
5801.23Woven weft pile fabrics of cotton, nes
5801.24Woven warp pile fab of cotton, pingl (uncut),other than terry&narrow fab
5801.25Woven warp pile fabrics of cotton, cut, other than terry and narrow fabrics
5801.26Chenille fabrics of cotton, other than narrow fabrics
5801.31Woven uncut weft pile fabrics of manmade fibres, other than terry&narrow fab.
5801.32Cut corduroy fabrics of man-made fibres, other than narrow fabrics
5801.33Woven weft pile fabrics of man-made fibres, nes
5801.34Woven warp pile fab of man-made fib, pingl (uncut),other than terry&nar fab
5801.35Woven warp pile fabrics of man-made fib, cut, other than terry & narrow fabrics
5801.36Chenille fabrics of man-made fibres, other than narrow fabrics
5801.90Woven pile fab&chenille fab of other tex mat, other than terry&narrow fabrics
5802.11Terry towellg & similar woven terry fab of cotton, other than narrow fab, unbl
5802.19Terry towellg&similar woven terry fab of cotton, other than unbl&other than nar fab
5802.20Terry towellg&sim woven terry fab of oth tex mat, other than narrow fabrics
5802.30Tufted textile fabrics, other than products of heading No 57.03
5803.10Gauze of cotton, other than narrow fabrics
5803.90Gauze of other textile material, other than narrow fabrics
5804.10Tulles & other net fabrics, not incl woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics
5804.21Mechanically made lace of man-made fib, in the piece, in strips/motifs
5804.29Mechanically made lace of oth tex mat, in the piece, in strips/in motifs
5804.30Hand-made lace, in the piece, in strips or in motifs
5805.00Hand-woven tapestries&needle-worked tapestries, whether or not made up
5806.10Narrow woven pile fabrics and narrow chenille fabrics
5806.20Narrow woven fab, cntg by wt>/=5% elastomeric yarn/rubber thread nes
5806.31Narrow woven fabrics of cotton, nes
5806.32Narrow woven fabrics of man-made fibres, nes
5806.39Narrow woven fabrics of other textile materials, nes
5806.40Fabrics consisting of warp w/o weft assembled by means of an adhesive
5807.10Labels, badges and similar woven articles of textile materials
5807.90Labels, badges and similar articles, not woven, of textile materials, nes
5808.10Braids in the piece
5808.90Ornamental trimmings in the piece, other than knit; tassels, pompons&similar art
5809.00Woven fabrics of metal thread/of metallisd yarn, for apparel, etc, nes
5810.10Embroidery without visible ground, in the piece, in strips or in motifs
5810.91Embroidery of cotton, in the piece, in strips or in motifs, nes
5810.92Embroidery of man-made fibres, in the piece, in strips or in motifs, nes
5810.99Embroidery of oth textile materials, in the piece, in strips/motifs, nes
5811.00Quilted textile products in the piece

Ch. 59Impregnated, coated, cover/laminated textile fabric etc.
5901.10Textile fabrics coatd with gum, of a kind usd for outer covers of books
5901.90Tracg cloth; prepared paintg canvas; stiffened textile fab; for hats etc
5902.10Tire cord fabric made of nylon or other polyamides high tenacity yarns
5902.20Tire cord fabric made of polyester high tenacity yarns
5902.90Tire cord fabric made of viscose rayon high tenacity yarns
5903.10Textile fab impregnatd, ctd, cov, or laminatd w polyvinyl chloride, nes
5903.20Textile fabrics impregnated, ctd, cov, or laminated with polyurethane, nes
5903.90Textile fabrics impregnated, ctd, cov, or laminated with plastics, nes
5904.10Lineoleum, whether or not cut to shape
5904.91Floor coverings, other than linoleum, with a base of needleloom felt/nonwovens
5904.92Floor coverings, other than linoleum, with other textile base
5905.00Textile wall coverings
5906.10Rubberised textile adhesive tape of a width not exceeding 20 cm
5906.91Rubberised textile knitted or crocheted fabrics, nes
5906.99Rubberised textile fabrics, nes
5907.00Textile fab impreg, ctd, cov nes; paintd canvas (e.g.threatrical scenery)
5908.00Textile wicks f lamps, stoves, etc; gas mantles&knittd gas mantle fabric
5909.00Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing
5910.00Transmission or conveyor belts or belting of textile material
5911.10Textile fabrics usd f card clothing, and sim fabric f technical uses
5911.20Textile bolting cloth, whether or not made up
5911.31Textile fabrics used in paper-making or similar machines, <650 g/m2
5911.32Textile fabrics usd in paper-makg or similar mach, weighg >/=650 g/m2
5911.40Textile straing cloth usd in oil presses o the like, incl of human hair
5911.90Textile products and articles for technical uses, nes

Ch. 60Knitted or crocheted fabrics
6001.10Long pile knitted or crocheted textile fabrics
6001.21Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton
6001.22Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres
6001.29Looped pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials
6001.91Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes
6001.92Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes
6001.99Pile knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other textile materials, nes
6002.10Knittd or crochetd tex fab, w/=5% of elastomeric/rubber, nes
6002.20Knitted or crocheted textile fabrics, of a width not exceedg 30 cm, nes
6002.30Knittd/crochetd tex fab, width > 30 cm,>/=5% of elastomeric/rubber, nes
6002.41Warp knitted fabrics, of wool or fine animal hair, nes
6002.42Warp knitted fabrics, of cotton, nes
6002.43Warp knitted fabrics, of man-made fibres, nes
6002.49Warp knitted fabrics, of other materials, nes
6002.91Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of wool or of fine animal hair, nes
6002.92Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of cotton, nes
6002.93Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of manmade fibres, nes
6002.99Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of other materials, nes

Ch. 61Art of apparel & clothing access, knitted or crocheted
6101.10Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6101.20Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc, of cotton, knitted
6101.30Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc, of man-made fibres, knitted
6101.90Mens/boys overcoats, anoraks etc, of other textile materials, knitted
6102.10Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6102.20Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc, of cotton, knitted
6102.30Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc, of man-made fibres, knitted
6102.90Womens/girls overcoats, anoraks etc, of other textile materials, knitted
6103.11Mens/boys suits, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6103.12Mens/boys suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6103.19Mens/boys suits, of other textile materials, knitted
6103.21Mens/boys ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6103.22Mens/boys ensembles, of cotton, knitted
6103.23Mens/boys ensembles, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6103.29Mens/boys ensembles, of other textile materials, knitted
6103.31Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6103.32Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, knitted
6103.33Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6103.39Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, knitted
6103.41Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6103.42Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted
6103.43Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6103.49Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.11Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.12Womens/girls suits, of cotton, knitted
6104.13Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.19Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.21Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.22Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, knitted
6104.23Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.29Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.31Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.32Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, knitted
6104.33Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.39Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.41Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.42Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, knitted
6104.43Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.44Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, knitted
6104.49Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.51Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.52Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, knitted
6104.53Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.59Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, knitted
6104.61Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6104.62Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, knitted
6104.63Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6104.69Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, knitted
6105.10Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, knitted
6105.20Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted
6105.90Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, knitted
6106.10Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, knitted
6106.20Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, knitted
6106.90Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other materials, knitted
6107.11Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, knitted
6107.12Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of man-made fibres, knitted
6107.19Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, knitted
6107.21Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted
6107.22Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted
6107.29Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of other textile materials, knitted
6107.91Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns etc of cotton, knitted
6107.92Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc of man-made fibres, knitted
6107.99Mens/boys bathrobes, dressg gowns, etc of oth textile materials, knitted
6108.11Womens/girls slips and petticoats, of man-made fibres, knitted
6108.19Womens/girls slips and petticoats, of other textile materials, knitted
6108.21Womens/girls briefs and panties, of cotton, knitted
6108.22Womens/girls briefs and panties, of man-made fibres, knitted
6108.29Womens/girls briefs and panties, of other textile materials, knitted
6108.31Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, knitted
6108.32Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, knitted
6108.39Womens/girls nightdresses & pyjamas, of other textile materials, knitted
6108.91Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc, of cotton, knitted
6108.92Womens/girls bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc, of man-made fibres, knitted
6108.99Women/girls bathrobes, dressg gowns, etc, of oth textile materials, knittd
6109.10T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of cotton, knitted
6109.90T-shirts, singlets and other vests, of other textile materials, knitted
6110.10Pullovers, cardigans&similar article of wool or fine animal hair, knittd
6110.20Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of cotton, knitted
6110.30Pullovers, cardigans and similar articles of man-made fibres, knitted
6110.90Pullovers, cardigans&similar articles of oth textile materials, knittd
6111.10Babies garments&clothg accessories of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6111.20Babies garments and clothing accessories of cotton, knitted
6111.30Babies garments and clothing accessories of synthetic fibres, knitted
6111.90Babies garments&clothg accessories of other textile materials, knitted
6112.11Track suits, of cotton, knitted
6112.12Track suits, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6112.19Track suits, of other textile materials, knitted
6112.20Ski suits, of textile materials, knitted
6112.31Mens/boys swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6112.39Mens/boys swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted
6112.41Womens/girls swimwear, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6112.49Womens/girls swimwear, of other textile materials, knitted
6113.00Garments made up of impreg, coatd, coverd or laminatd textile knittd fab
6114.10Garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6114.20Garments nes, of cotton, knitted
6114.30Garments nes, of man-made fibres, knitted
6114.90Garments nes, of other textile materials, knitted
6115.11Panty hose&tights, of synthetic fibre yarns <67 dtex/single yarn knittd
6115.12Panty hose&tights, of synthetic fib yarns >/=67 dtex/single yarn knittd
6115.19Panty hose and tights, of other textile materials, knitted
6115.20Women full-l/knee-l hosiery, of textile yarn<67 dtex/single yarn knittd
6115.91Hosiery nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6115.92Hosiery nes, of cotton, knitted
6115.93Hosiery nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6115.99Hosiery nes, of other textile materials, knitted
6116.10Gloves impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber, knitted
6116.91Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of wool or fine animal hair, knitted
6116.92Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of cotton, knitted
6116.93Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of synthetic fibres, knitted
6116.99Gloves, mittens and mitts, nes, of other textile materials, knitted
6117.10Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of textile materials, knitted
6117.20Ties, bow ties and cravats, of textile materials, knitted
6117.80Clothing accessories nes, of textile materials, knitted
6117.90Parts of garments/of clothg accessories, of textile materials, knittd

Ch. 62Art of apparel & clothing access, not knitted/crocheted
6201.11Mens/boys overcoats&similar articles of wool/fine animal hair, not knit
6201.12Mens/boys overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted
6201.13Mens/boys overcoats & similar articles of man-made fibres, not knitted
6201.19Mens/boys overcoats&sim articles of oth textile materials, not knittd
6201.91Mens/boys anoraks&similar articles, of wool/fine animal hair, not knittd
6201.92Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of cotton, not knitted
6201.93Mens/boys anoraks and similar articles, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6201.99Mens/boys anoraks&similar articles, of oth textile materials, not knittd
6202.11Womens/girls overcoats&sim articles of wool/fine animal hair nt knit
6202.12Womens/girls overcoats and similar articles of cotton, not knitted
6202.13Womens/girls overcoats&sim articles of man-made fibres, not knittd
6202.19Womens/girls overcoats&similar articles of other textile mat, not knit
6202.91Womens/girls anoraks&similar article of wool/fine animal hair, not knit
6202.92Womens/girls anoraks and similar article of cotton, not knitted
6202.93Womens/girls anoraks & similar article of man-made fibres, not knitted
6202.99Womens/girls anoraks&similar article of oth textile materials, not knit
6203.11Mens/boys suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6203.12Mens/boys suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6203.19Mens/boys suits, of other textile materials, not knitted
6203.21Mens/boys ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6203.22Mens/boys ensembles, of cotton, not knitted
6203.23Mens/boys ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6203.29Mens/boys ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted
6203.31Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6203.32Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of cotton, not knitted
6203.33Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6203.39Mens/boys jackets and blazers, of other textile materials, not knitted
6203.41Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6203.42Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted
6203.43Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6203.49Mens/boys trousers and shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.11Womens/girls suits, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.12Womens/girls suits, of cotton, not knitted
6204.13Womens/girls suits, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.19Womens/girls suits, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.21Womens/girls ensembles, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.22Womens/girls ensembles, of cotton, not knitted
6204.23Womens/girls ensembles, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.29Womens/girls ensembles, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.31Womens/girls jackets, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.32Womens/girls jackets, of cotton, not knitted
6204.33Womens/girls jackets, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.39Womens/girls jackets, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.41Womens/girls dresses, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.42Womens/girls dresses, of cotton, not knitted
6204.43Womens/girls dresses, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.44Womens/girls dresses, of artificial fibres, not knitted
6204.49Womens/girls dresses, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.51Womens/girls skirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.52Womens/girls skirts, of cotton, not knitted
6204.53Womens/girls skirts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.59Womens/girls skirts, of other textile materials, not knitted
6204.61Womens/girls trousers & shorts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6204.62Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of cotton, not knitted
6204.63Womens/girls trousers and shorts, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6204.69Womens/girls trousers & shorts, of other textile materials, not knitted
6205.10Mens/boys shirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6205.20Mens/boys shirts, of cotton, not knitted
6205.30Mens/boys shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6205.90Mens/boys shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted
6206.10Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of silk or silk waste, not knitted
6206.20Womens/girls blouses & shirts, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6206.30Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of cotton, not knitted
6206.40Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6206.90Womens/girls blouses and shirts, of other textile materials, not knitted
6207.11Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of cotton, not knitted
6207.19Mens/boys underpants and briefs, of other textile materials, not knitted
6207.21Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted
6207.22Mens/boys nightshirts and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6207.29Mens/boys nightshirts & pyjamas, of other textile materials, not knitted
6207.91Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc of cotton, not knitted
6207.92Mens/boys bathrobes, dressing gowns, etc of man-made fibres, not knitted
6207.99Mens/boys bathrobes, dressg gowns, etc of oth textile materials, not knit
6208.11Womens/girls slips and petticoats, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6208.19Womens/girls slips & petticoats, of other textile materials, not knitted
6208.21Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of cotton, not knitted
6208.22Womens/girls nightdresses and pyjamas, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6208.29Womens/girls nightdresses&pyjamas, of oth textile materials, not knitted
6208.91Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc, of cotton, not knitted
6208.92Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6208.99Womens/girls panties, bathrobes, etc, of oth textile materials, not knittd
6209.10Babies garments&clothg accessories of wool o fine animal hair, not knit
6209.20Babies garments and clothing accessories of cotton, not knitted
6209.30Babies garments & clothing accessories of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6209.90Babies garments&clothg accessories of oth textile materials, not knittd
6210.10Garments made up of textile felts and of nonwoven textile fabrics
6210.20Mens/boys overcoats&similar articles of impreg, ctd, cov etc, tex wov fab
6210.30Womens/girls overcoats&sim articles, of impreg, ctd, etc, tex wov fab
6210.40Mens/boys garments nes, made up of impreg, ctd, cov, etc, textile woven fab
6210.50Womens/girls garments nes, of impregnatd, ctd, cov, etc, textile woven fab
6211.11Mens/boys swimwear, of textile materials not knitted
6211.12Womens/girls swimwear, of textile materials, not knitted
6211.20Ski suits, of textile materials, not knitted
6211.31Mens/boys garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6211.32Mens/boys garments nes, of cotton, not knitted
6211.33Mens/boys garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6211.39Mens/boys garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted
6211.41Womens/girls garments nes, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6211.42Womens/girls garments nes, of cotton, not knitted
6211.43Womens/girls garments nes, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6211.49Womens/girls garments nes, of other textile materials, not knitted
6212.10Brassieres and parts thereof, of textile materials
6212.20Girdles, panty girdles and parts thereof, of textile materials
6212.30Corselettes and parts thereof, of textile materials
6212.90Corsets, braces & similar articles & parts thereof, of textile materials
6213.10Handkerchiefs, of silk or silk waste, not knitted
6213.20Handkerchiefs, of cotton, not knitted
6213.90Handkerchiefs, of other textile materials, not knitted
6214.10Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of silk or silk waste, not knitted
6214.20Shawls, scarves, veils&the like, of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted
6214.30Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of synthetic fibres, not knitted
6214.40Shawls, scarves, veils and the like, of artificial fibres, not knitted
6214.90Shawls, scarves, veils & the like, of other textile materials, not knitted
6215.10Ties, bow ties and cravats, of silk or silk waste, not knitted
6215.20Ties, bow ties and cravats, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6215.90Ties, bow ties and cravats, of other textile materials, not knitted
6216.00Gloves, mittens and mitts, of textile materials, not knitted
6217.10Clothing accessories nes, of textile materials, not knitted
6217.90Parts of garments or of clothg accessories nes, of tex mat, not knittd.

Ch. 63Other made up textile articles; sets; worn clothing etc.
6301.10Electric blankets, of textile materials
6301.20Blankets (other than electric) & travelling rugs, of wool or fine animal hair
6301.30Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of cotton
6301.40Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of synthetic fibres
6301.90Blankets (other than electric) and travelling rugs, of other textile materials
6302.10Bed linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials
6302.21Bed linen, of cotton, printed, not knitted
6302.22Bed linen, of man-made fibres, printed, not knitted
6302.29Bed linen, of other textile materials, printed, not knitted
6302.31Bed linen, of cotton, nes
6302.32Bed linen, of man-made fibres, nes
6302.39Bed linen, of other textile materials, nes
6302.40Table linen, of textile knitted or crocheted materials
6302.51Table linen, of cotton, not knitted
6302.52Table linen, of flax, not knitted
6302.53Table linen, of man-made fibres, not knitted
6302.59Table linen, of other textile materials, not knitted
6302.60Toilet&kitchen linen, of terry towellg or similar terry fab, of cotton
6302.91Toilet and kitchen linen, of cotton, nes
6302.92Toilet and kitchen linen, of flax
6302.93Toilet and kitchen linen, of man-made fibres
6302.99Toilet and kitchen linen, of other textile materials
6303.11Curtains, drapes, interior blinds&curtain or bed valances, of cotton, knit
6303.12Curtains, drapes, interior blinds&curtain/bd valances, of syn fib, knittd
6303.19Curtains, drapes, interior blinds&curtain/bd valances, oth tex mat, knit
6303.91Curtains/drapes/interior blinds&curtain/bd valances, of cotton, not knit
6303.92Curtains/drapes/interior blinds curtain/bd valances, of syn fib, nt knit
6303.99Curtain/drape/interior blind curtain/bd valance, of oth tex mat, nt knit
6304.11Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, knitted or crocheted
6304.19Bedspreads of textile materials, nes, not knitted or crocheted
6304.91Furnishing articles nes, of textile materials, knitted or crocheted
6304.92Furnishing articles nes, of cotton, not knitted or crocheted
6304.93Furnishing articles nes, of synthetic fibres, not knitted or crocheted
6304.99Furnishg articles nes, of oth textile materials, not knittd o crochetd
6305.10Sacks&bags, for packg of goods, of jute or of other textile bast fibres
6305.20Sacks and bags, for packing of goods, of cotton
6305.31Sacks&bags, for packg of goods, of polyethylene or polypropylene strips
6305.39Sacks & bags, for packing of goods, of other man-made textile materials
6305.90Sacks and bags, for packing of goods, of other textile materials
6306.11Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of cotton
6306.12Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of synthetic fibres
6306.19Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds, of other textile materials
6306.21Tents, of cotton
6306.22Tents, of synthetic fibres
6306.29Tents, of other textile materials
6306.31Sails, of synthetic fibres
6306.39Sails, of other textile materials
6306.41Pneumatic mattresses, of cotton
6306.49Pneumatic mattresses, of other textile materials
6306.91Camping goods nes, of cotton
6306.99Camping goods nes, of other textile materials
6307.10Floor-cloths, dish-cloths, dusters & similar cleaning cloths, of tex mat
6307.20Life jackets and life belts, of textile materials
6307.90Made up articles, of textile materials, nes, including dress patterns
6308.00Sets consistg of woven fab & yarn, for makg up into rugs, tapestries etc
6309.00Worn clothing and other worn articles

Textile and clothing products in Chapters 30-49, 64-96

HS No.Product Description
3005.90Wadding, gauze, bandages and the like
ex 3921.12}
ex 3921.13}
ex 3921.90}
{ Woven, knitted or non-woven fabrics coated, covered or laminated with plastics
ex 4202.12}
ex 4202.22}
ex 4202.32}
ex 4202.92}
{Luggage, handbags and flatgoods with an outer surface predominantly of textile {materials
ex 6405.20Footwear with soles and uppers of wool felt
ex 6406.10Footwear uppers of which 50% or more of the external surface area is textile material
ex 6406.99Leg warmers and gaiters of textile material
6501.00Hat-forms, hat bodies and hoods of felt; plateaux and manchons of felt
6502.00Hat-shapes, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material
6503.00Felt hats and other felt headgear
6504.00Hats & other headgear, plaited or made by assembling strips of any material
6505.90Hats & other headgear, knitted or made up from lace, or other textile material
6601.10Umbrellas and sun umbrellas, garden type
6601.91Other umbrella types, telescopic shaft
6601.99Other umbrellas
ex 7019.10Yarns of fibre glass
ex 7019.20Woven fabrics of fibre glass
8708.21Safety seat belts for motor vehicles
8804.00Parachutes; their parts and accessories
9113.90Watch straps, bands and bracelets of textile materials
ex 9404.90Pillow and cushions of cotton; quilts; eiderdowns; comforters and similar articles of textile materials
9502.91Garments for dolls
ex 9612.10Woven ribbons, of man-made fibres, other than those measuring less than 30 mm in width and permanently put up in cartridges

The Lawphil Project - Arellano Law Foundation